Access Data

The fastest way to see how the world is working is to look at the data -- data on accessible spending relative to other spending is particularly instructive.

Find out what is and isn't working by seeing how much your state and local governments are spending on accessibility.

Accessible America reaches out to county and state officials to inquire into how much money is being spent on accessible programs, facilities and infrastructure. We then post that information on our website. We also put that data into graphical form to make it more engaging and then share on social media. We encourage you to take a look at these resources and use them for whatever you like.

Not all government officials or groups are as transparent as you might like, but even a lack of transparency can be an interesting data point. We track and share responses as well as non-responses.

At the end of the day we can't speak to what should be done - what is wrong and what is right - but we do aspire to be a part of moving the conversation along. Please join that conversation and help fill in the gaps. Maybe there are alternate budgets which provide funding for accessiblity that we are not aware of, maybe there is important legislation that is being considered to address problems we raise... We want to hear about it. Please contact us about whatever information you have or feel free to use our social media accounts as a place to share and discuss with a much larger audience.