Making "Community" Inclusive

Equal Access or Universal Access is the first step to making a real community - a place where everyone has a spot. If all the members aren't really present then the picture is incomplete. Public spaces, especially, need to provide the structure and frameworks which allow everyone to enter and be there for the experience. To the extent we as a society -- through our government -- can invest in features which allow those with wheelchairs to enjoy themselves in the same parks, pools, lakes and oceans, we need to make that happen.

If this is something that you'd like to get involved in, the first step to achieving the goal is to find out where it ISN'T happening then do something.

Accessible America is about putting the spotlight on what states, counties and cities are doing (right and wrong) so that we can have a discussion with decision-makers and leaders about what can be done. We do the research so you can make a difference, quickly.

This is a time of great opportunity when it comes to accessiblity in that states and counties are making available a significant amount of money for inclusive improvements, particularly in our available parks and recreations budgets. Cities too have amounts ear-marked for inclusion. However, this money is not always put to use and the large majority of hiking trails and beaches provide accessibility that ends at the parking lot.

Accessibility does not end at the parking lot.

Reach out to us and let us know which parks, lakes and beaches are doing a great job. Reach out to us if you see places that need some attention. Let us know who the heroes are in public office and who are the ones who could do more to help facilitate community. If we can't all be together then none of us will whole. You can contact us through the website but we recommend reaching out on social media where everyone can see it - even if you don't directly reach out to your public officials (which we really hope you do) being a part of the conversation only gives more weight to our cause and makes it harder to ignore.